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Original Odyssey

Featuring the stories of AAPI luminaries, Original Odyssey by Hennessy X.O highlights the history and food culture of Asian American families.

Original Odyssey series by Hennessy X.O cognac

Join Henry Golding and Liv Lo as they create one of their family recipes and share tales of family, identity, success, and love.

Hennessy X.O Original Odyssey

Join Eddie Huang as he prepares a meal with his father, Louis Huang, and talk moviemaking, food, family, and self expression.

Eddie Huang explores family and food

Share Hayley Kiyoko's visit with her mother, Sarah Kawahara, as they explore music, artistic expression, food and family.

Hayley Kiyoko makes a meal in her Original Odyssey

Hennessy X.O

In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O for his circle of friends and introduced a new style of cognac.  Hennessy X.O is the Original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison. 
Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of this Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by their power and energy, but also by their capacity to achieve a great roundness through time.
Our Tasting Committee has explored every facet of the blend and identified several emotions that were assimilated to an Odyssey through 7 chapters: 

  • Sweet Notes: The palate is warmly embraced by flavors of candied fruit.
  • Rising Heat: The intriguing sensation of an intense, rising heat slowly reveals the complex taste of eaux-de-vie patiently aged in oak barrels.
  • Spicy Edge: Perception of a strong spicy cognac note, tantalising the lips and palate with its distinct peppery flavor intertwined with a hint of chocolate. 
  • Flowing Flame: A wave of warmth grows, crests and then breaks. A robust presence, full and voluptuous, is felt. 
  • Chocolate Lull: There is the gradual discovery of something very familiar. It is the well-rounded flavor of a rich, dark chocolate.
  • Wood Crunches: A striking sensation is suddenly felt – the vigorous ebb and flow of oak notes interlaced with vanilla.
  • Infinite Echo: The evanescent oak notes leave a long, omnipresent finish in their wake. Seemingly endless, it echoes all of the subtleties of each taste and sensation that has preceded it.